My Favorite Blogs


A Big Thanks to Belle! and Follow Friday!

I hope you all noticed my new header! As we all know, I love monograms, so I am super excited to have it on my blog :)  I stumbled across Belle In The City's blog and noticed that she had hers at the bottom of her page and also shares my same love for putting her monogram on anything that is not nailed down.  I was bound and determined to get my monogram on my blog so I did what I do best- googled it!  Well, I couldn't find anywhere to do a pretty monogram that I could use.  After lots of research and no luck I decided just to email Sarah Elizabeth whose blog I drool over on a daily basis...

Let me just say, SHE WAS FANTASTIC! Now, I don't normally go around emailing strangers on a daily basis but she had a post about how she would make an iPad or iPhone monogram background for her followers of they just commented and left their info...super nice, right!?  So I thought okay she seems pretty friendly and approachable.  Well I emailed her and asked her about it and within no time she had sent me an email back of how she does it.  Not only did she tell me what program she uses she offered to make me my monogram in any color! I died! So I sent her my info and later that night she had sent me my monogram done.  When I opened the email and saw it I gasped! It turned out beautiful.  She did it for me in yellow and I made it black to make it a part of my header.

Lovely yellow. I'm in love with it!

This taught me a very good lesson.  There are people out there that are genuine, nice, and helpful.  I absolutely love connecting to people that share my same passions and interests via blogs.  It is like you have the chance to get to know them personally.

So, if you haven't yet, check out Sarah Elizabeth at Belle in the City.  She is also on my "Blogs I Love" page.  Her blog is beautiful and has tons of interesting projects, OOTDs, and other stuff.  And she helped me get this beautiful monogram on my page!

Thank you, Belle!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!!! Ashley, you are too sweet! This post just made my day! I'm so glad you love the monogram!! xo


Thanks for the lovely comments! xo, Ashley